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184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 807

Trips to Sicily and

Together with Calabria, Malta and Apulia, are the tour’s destinations organized by Sicilvision.

The two largest islands in the Mediterranean, Sicily and Sardinia, are our main destinations. Sicily because it is our land, Sardinia because it is entered into our hearts. “Naturally” connected to them are Calabria, the land between the seas, Malta, the Europe’s outpost towards Africa and Apulia, Italy’s gateway to the East.

Along the routes to reach the embarkation ports for these two islands, we then developed the facilities on offer. So, we included in the meanwhile other Italian regions: Liguria, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania. We grow by keeping our feet on the ground and above all by keeping our initial gaze on the things that matter, love and respect.

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